Why we have come together
A brief history
Back in 2005, a Master Plan for North Domingo Baca Park was published and promoted to those choosing to live in the far NE Heights. Many young families flocked to the area with the promise of the park and the pool.
Today, sixteen years later (2021), the park is now almost fully built out - with the exception of the pool. But, the young children of yesterday are now grown adults with their own children. Families who moved to and supported the area now hope there will be a pool for their GRANDKIDS someday. Sadly, the promised pool remains a dirt lot and an eyesore.
A public swimming pool has not been built in the east side (of the Rio Grande) of Albuquerque in nearly 50 years. Meanwhile, the far northeast heights has expanded rapidly and is the only section of the City that remains underserved with public swimming facilities. This lack of public resources has forced high school swim teams, parents of young children needing lessons, adults/seniors seeking exercise and aquatic therapy, and youth needing recreational outlets to either forgo aquatic sports or further congest the limited number of pools in other parts of the City.
The entire city of Albuquerque is greatly underserved when it comes to aquatic facilities. Yet, among all citizens, swimming is the 5th most popular activity. Among youth, swimming is the 1st most popular activity!
We seek to get the City of Albuquerque to fulfill the longtime promises of the 2005 North Domingo Baca Park Master Plan, and to help make Albuquerque a more enjoyable, fitness-focused community in which to live - in the NE Heights and beyond.
Where we are today
We are a Citizen initiative that came together in late April 2021 when our new City Councilor (Brook Bassan) promised to make the construction of the North Domingo Baca Aquatic Center one of her top 3 goals. We seek to partner with any government and public school officials who agree with our vision and mission.
Here are just some of the Comments we've received from groups, individuals, and elected officials in support of this vision and our Citizen initiative. Do you have a Comment to share or funding to allocate? We'd love to hear from you. Please email us at NDBPoolGroup AT Gmail DOT com.